2023/05/16-TaiwanPlus News採訪關於台灣再次登上網路攻擊世界冠軍寶座

【根據 #以色列 #網路安全 公司2023年第一季的全球調查報告,台灣再次榮登(因為不是第一次)「(受) #網路攻擊( #網路犯罪)」世界冠軍! 主要原因當然和中國有關! 感謝英文新聞平台TaiwanPlus的訪問。而巧合的是,此次受訪新聞播出的當天,立法院剛剛通過了個資法修正、提高(企業)個資事故的罰則,行政院也在最近提出了打詐1.5 版的計畫,加強 #網路詐騙 的防範,也恰巧呼應了這則新聞中對公私部門的各個環節強化合作的意見,未來還可以做些什麼呢? 對此主題有興趣的朋友,歡迎一起討論!】
- 新聞連結在這裡:https://www.taiwanplus.com/taiwan-news/technology-and-science/230516008/taiwan-ranked-top-for-cyberattacks-in-2023
- Youtube連結在這裡:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6G7sqzjYYk
I am very pleased that the interview by TaiwanPlus News : “#taiwan Ranked Top 1 for #cyberattacks in 2023” was released on the same date while Taiwan Legislative Yuan passed the recent revisions of Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) . Two major changes of PDPA will take place following this revision : First, an independent data protection authority will be set up in 3 years(and a preparatory office will probably take shape in the coming months) ; secondly, the max. penality against data infringements of private organizations is greatly increased to NTD 15 million( approx. US 500 thousand) and the authority could issue the fine directly without asking the organization at issue to make necessary adjustments first.
Glad that these changes brought by this revision echo my words in the interview : The government is hightening the cooperation across departments to speed up its actions against online crimes, in addition, the private sector shall work with the public sector to ensure a safe cyberspace. Certainly there is more to be done/dicussed in the future.
👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6G7sqzjYYkThe link of the interview is available here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6G7sqzjYYk