- 國立臺灣海洋大學海洋法律與政策學院 教授
- 國立臺灣海洋大學海洋永續科技治理研究中心 主任
- 瑞典哥德堡大學多元民主計畫 各國專家
- 2024 史丹佛大學研究所數位韌性合作計畫
- 國立臺灣海洋大學海洋法政學院副教授
- 國立臺灣海洋大學海洋文創設計系副教授(兼任)
- 美國史丹佛大學訪問
- 國立臺北科技大學智慧財產權研究所副教授
- 國立臺北科技大學智慧科技法律政策研究中心主任
- 淡江大學商管學院產業經濟學系副教授(兼任)
- 國立臺北科技大學專利技轉中心主任
- 世新大學智財法研究所助理教授
- 國立臺灣大學法律系學士(Bachelor, Department of Law, National Taiwan University)
- 英國里茲大學法學院網路法學碩士(LL.M in CyberLaw, School of Law, Leeds University)
- 英國里茲大學法學院博士候選人( PhD Candidate, School of Law, Leeds University)
- 英國杜倫大學社會科學與健康學院博士(PhD, Faculty of Social Sciences and Health, Durham University)
- 智財法
- 網路法
- 新興科技法規政策
專業著作(Selected Publications)
A 具審查機制(Peer reviewed or editor reviewed)
- 江雅綺,「人工智慧生成內容與著作權」,資訊社會研究,第48期,頁59-88, 2025/1。
- Yachi Chiang, “The Legal Compliance Challenge of AI applications in Maritime Industry: With Special Focus on Divergent Governance Models of Cross Border Personal Data Transfer“, International Trade Law and Regulation (SCOPUS), Issue 4, pp235-251, 2024.
- Dasheng Lee, Yachi Chiang, Yen-Tang Chen,Hsin-Han Tsai, “Impacts of battery energy storage system on power grid smartness: Case study of Taiwan power company”, Journal of Energy Storage (SCIE, SCOPUS, IF=9.4). accepted, Feb., 2024.
- 江雅綺,「人工智慧(AI)於海洋產業應用的法規挑戰: 分歧的跨境資料傳輸治理模式」,人工智慧於海洋事務之跨域政策與法律,元照,ISBN: 978-626-369-076-9 ,2023/9。
- Yachi Chiang*, “The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Local Content Requirements: A Case of the Offshore Wind Power Industry in Taiwan”, Chapter 8, Moving Toward Net-Zero Carbon Society Challenges and Opportunities, Pages 119-133, , Climate Series of Springer-Nature, ISBN: 978-3-031-24547-3, May, 2023.
- 江雅綺,「網路秘密行銷與公平交易法之因應」,科技法律評析,2023。
- Chunghan Yang,Yachi Chiang,”Sustainable and Smart Port 2.0 and High-end Maritime Industry: Assessing Taiwan’s Maritime Law Reforms in Global Sustainability and Digitalisation Trends”, The Laws and Policies of High-end Maritime Industry, Angle, Taiwan, ISBN 978-957-511-865-5, October, 2022.
- 江雅綺,「新興科技應用與高端航運服務業的智慧轉型」,高端航運服務業之政策與法律 ,元照,ISBN 978-957-511-865-5,2022/10。
- 江雅綺,「數位經濟的公平隱憂── 創新因素、創新要素與事業結合之審查」,交大法學評論,第11期,2022年秋季號。
- Tingwen Wang, Yachi Chiang*(corresponding author), “Correlation between the Ownership of COVID-19 Vaccine Patents and the Choice of a Patent Waiver: Cases in the US, the UK, Germany, and India” , Health Technology, (Health Technol; HT; ISSN 2616-2717) , August 2022.
- 江雅綺,「論提供網路侵權連結的著作權法責任–以電話亭KTV為例」,高大法學論叢,第17卷第2期,頁1-52,2022/1。
- 江雅綺,陳俞廷,「跨境數位稅制的發展與挑戰」,華崗法粹, 第72期,頁99-146,2022/6。
- 江雅綺,楊宗翰,程法彰,「數位平台經濟的新思維?淺探行為經濟學對反托拉斯法的影響」,萬國法律,第241期,頁1-14,2022/1。
- 江雅綺,陳琮勛,「從數位購物網站到數位電視購物頻道:談建構數位平台商標侵權案件合理注意義務之標準」,臺灣科技法學叢刊,第3期,頁1-36。2022/1。
- 江雅綺,王政凱,「綠能新政:歐盟之碳邊境調整機制」,台電工程月刊,第880期,2021/12月。
- 江雅綺,劉博文,王綱,「探討原住民族傳統智慧創作保護條例中合理使用條款之適用與突破」,世新法學,第15卷第1號,2021/12。
- 江雅綺,陳俞廷,從電子商務指令到歐盟數位服務法草案–論歐盟ISP責任架構之演變,全國律師,第25卷第7期,頁31-44。2021/7。
- 江雅綺,林明賢,「借鏡英國 論我國溫室氣體減量的挑戰:以部署無六氟化硫電力設備為核心」,台電工程月刊,第871期,2021/3。
- 江雅綺,「數位匯流下的科技傳輸與平台競爭─以智財法院 107 年度民著上字第 1 號民事判決為核心」,台灣法學雜誌,第406期,頁161-167,2020/12。
- 江雅綺 ,「OTT TV 對本國通訊傳播法制監理架構之衝擊」,台灣法學雜誌 ,第402期 ,頁63-87,2020/10。
- 江雅綺,「零工經濟的法律挑戰:數位平台是市集或雇主?」,台灣法學雜誌,第377期,頁13-20。2019/10。
- Yachi Chiang, “Establishing a Parody Defense Standard within the Framework of Taiwan’s Trademark Act”, Annotated Leading Trademark Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions ( edited by Kung-Chung Liu), Routledge. ISBN 9780367313432. 2019 /10.
- 江雅綺,「運動法學:由世足賽與奧運賽的轉播戰 檢討必載(Must Carry) 規範」,全國律師,第22卷第12期,頁16-24,2018/12。
- 江雅綺,「當FIN遇上TECH:以英國為例 論網貸平台的模式、風險以及管制建議」,台灣法學雜誌,第353期,頁1-5,2018/10。
- 江雅綺,「BIG DATA時代:被遺忘的權利」,匯流、治理、通傳會論文集,彭芸與葉志良主編,頁197-216,風雲論壇出版,2018/8。
- Ya-chi Chiang, Da-sheng Lee, “Smart Manufacturing with the Internet of Makers”, Journal of the Chinese Institute Engineers (SCI), Vol.40 (7), pp585-592, 2017/ 9. .
- 許育典.張瑞星.王勁力.廖欽福.羅承宗.江雅綺.封昌宏,多元文化下文創產業、娛樂產業與數位網路法制,許育典主編,元照出版(ISBN:978-986-255-919-2),2017/7.
- 江雅綺,「內容授權的公平商業機制:談頻道授權的最低簽約戶數保證制(MG)」,台灣法學雜誌,第322期,頁156-164,2017/6。
- 江雅綺,「當FIN 遇上TECH : 初評「金融科技創新實驗條例」草案之演進」,台灣法學雜誌,第321期,頁74-80,2017/ 6。
- 江雅綺,「當FIN 遇上TECH:淺談英國金融法規沙盒的成功經驗與未來挑戰」,台灣法學雜誌,第320期,頁8-14,2017/5。
- 江雅綺,「由文化、經濟與法律談戲謔仿作(parody)之合理使用:以英國為借鏡」,智慧財產訴訟制度相關論文彙編第5輯,頁235-260,司法院主編(ISBN:978-986-05-0633-4),2016/12。
- 江雅綺,「數位時代的公平處理(fair dealing)條款:以英國2014年著作權修法為例」,智慧財產權月刊,第212期,頁52-76,2016/8。
- 江雅綺,「OTT浪潮來襲 談媒體壟斷與網路媒體:借鏡美英德之管制方向」,勇敢邁步:嶄新的匯流法論文集,彭芸與葉志良主編,頁321-352, 風雲論壇出版(ISBN:978-986-6893-78-0),2016/5。
- 江雅綺,「封鎖侵權網站? 從英國法及歐盟判決之演進論暫時封網處分」,智慧財產評論,頁1-21,2016/7。
- Yachi Chiang, “The Impact of Technical Examination Officers on the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court”, Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property (SSCI), Vol.6(3), pp304-320. 2016/7.
- 江雅綺,「談網路戲謔仿作的合理使用:比較英國、台灣著作權法之規定」,開南法學,第8期,頁153-173,2016/2。
- 江雅綺,「國族主義下的娛樂、經紀與產業─談黃安舉報周子瑜事件」,台灣法學雜誌,第287期,頁8-11,2016/1。
- Yachi Chiang, “When Privacy Meets Social Networking Sites: With Special Reference to Facebook”, Chapter 15, Cybercrime Risks and Responses Eastern and Western Perspectives, Smith, Russell G., Cheung, Ray, Yiu-Chung Lau, Laurie (Eds.),pp225-239, (ISBN: 978-113-747-415-5), Palgrave Macmillan, 2015/10..
- 楊宗翰,江雅綺,「國際環境法與智慧財產權保護:規範之匯流與衝突」,萬國法律,第200期,頁31-41,2015/4。
- 江雅綺,「網路中立性與保護著作權的衝突-以歐盟法院封網處分決判為例」,科技法律評析,第7期,頁307-326,2014/12。
- Yachi Chiang, “Review of the CJEU Judgment on the Application of Site Blocking Order”, NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Management, Vol.3(2) (SCOPUS), pp202-212. 2014/12.
- 江雅綺,「提高學研機構技轉績效的最後一哩路:技術移轉單位的專業與效能」,專利師,第18期,頁90-106,2014/7。
- 江雅綺,「英國《數位經濟法》中網路服務提供者對侵權使用者的科技義務」,科技法學論叢,頁187-212,2012/12。
- Yachi Chiang, “Patent Licensing under FRAND Regime and Competition Clauses of EC Treaty in a Standard Setting Context-A View from Europe”, Shih Hsin Law Review, 3(2), pp235-281, 2010/6.
B 其他專業發表(含研討會論文輯、期刊主題邀稿、論文合輯、編著…等,Conference papers, invited submissions, compilations … etc.)
- Kenny Huang, Charles Mok, Yachi Chiang, “Protecting Taiwan’s undersea cables is a regional security imperative“, Nikkei Asia, 29, Jan., 2025.
- Yachi Chiang, Lucio Blanco Pitlo III, “Asia’s digital future hangs by a thread beneath the ocean waves“, South China Morning Post, 24, Nov., 2024.
- Yachi Chiang, A Legal Perspective on the Protection of Critical Infrastructure: The Case of Taiwan’s Undersea Cables , Digital Governance in Taiwan, Special Issue of Taiwan Research Hub at Nottingham University. published on 30, Sept., 2024.
- 江雅綺,王政凱,黃雅琪,黃乃芙,「智慧載具與氫能發展」,機械工業,第493期,頁39-46。2024/4。
- 江雅綺,「跨國科技巨擘與在地競爭秩序之研究-以廣告資源為例」,第29屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會論文集,頁199-222,公平交易委員會出版,ISBN:978-626-7280-966,2023/12。
- 方修忠、江雅綺、徐仕瑋、陳昱奉、謝祥揚,資訊科技發展下的社會韌性與法治建構-以金融為例 ,秀威,ISBN:978-986-87881-6-9,2023/12。Amazon ,電子書店已上架。
- 林巧文,楊名豪,陳瑞仁,董立文,黃勝雄,江雅綺,海洋國家 數位韌性系列-海底電纜遭中共侵擾 突顯關鍵數位基礎建設的戰略安全,秀威,ISBN:978-986-87881-7-6,2023/11. Amazon,電子書店已上架。
- 江雅綺,「歐盟建立數位韌性的立法趨勢:從數位服務法、數位市場法、網路犯罪法到人工智慧法草案」(邀稿),台經月刊,專題探索,預計2023/10出版。
- 江雅綺,王怡婷,「新興科技運用於航運服務業之趨勢」,航貿週刊,第15期,2023/4。
- 江雅綺,陳治維,「氣候變遷與永續發展:臺灣推動能源轉型的經驗、挑戰與未來」,民主永續的理念與實踐 (永社十周年研討會論文集),翰蘆,ISBN 9786269687473,2023/2。
- 譚謹瑜,江雅綺,「技術創新與競爭議題之探討」,第27屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會論文集,公平交易委員會出版,頁213-258,ISBN 978-986-5467-61-6, 2021/12。
- 江雅綺、郭迺鋒、楊宗翰、程法彰「行為反托拉斯與消費者權益之探討」,第27屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會論文集,公平交易委員會出版,頁523-580,ISBN 978-986-5467-61-6, 2021/12。
- 江雅綺,「網路反壟斷浪潮 台灣數位政策如何定位」(邀稿),海基會交流雜誌,第178期,2021/8。
- 江雅綺,「歐盟與英國達成脫歐貿易協議的未來展望與挑戰」(邀稿),新世紀智庫論壇,第93期,2021/3。
- 江雅綺,數位平台經濟的法律挑戰,翰蘆出版,ISBN 978-986-06158-4-5 , 2021/3。
- Yachi Chiang, “Gig Economy of Digital Platforms: Legal Challenges of Atypical Employment”, 2020 ITS Biennial Conference , Gothenburg, Sweden(moved to online due to COVID-19), 14-17, June, 2020.
- 江雅綺(編),文創與智財共舞:大學文創—從在地創作到國際市場的智財保護網系列推廣論壇手冊 ,翰蘆出版,ISBN 978-986-98401-8-7, 2020/1。
- 江雅綺,「平台經濟的法律挑戰」,平台經濟興起對產業發展與資源使用的影響,頁107-120,財團法人中技社專題報告,ISBN 978-986-986-5906, 2019/12。
- 江雅綺,「從美麗島雜誌到香港連登論壇:網路科技對民主的新挑戰」,紅色滲透下的民主危機(美麗島四十周年研討會論文集),翰蘆出版,ISBN 978-986-98401-0-1, 2019/11。
- 江雅綺,下一波數位浪潮來襲:創新與挑戰,讀墨 , AMAZON 繁體中文 kindle 書,博客來 ,ISBN 9789863991663,出版 2019/9。
- 江雅綺 ; 黃致中; 呂宗勳; 王可言,「金融科技與國家經濟發展之促進」(發言內容),從新加坡經驗看臺灣刑事法學層級化風險管理學術交流研討會 -第三場次,台灣法學雜誌,頁139-171,2019/9。
- 江雅綺; 蕭歆諺,楊瑞芬、林盟翔 ,「監理沙盒制度執行之困境與突破」(發言內容),層級化風險管理之刑事政策-以師法新加坡經驗為中心學術座談會 -第一場次,台灣法學雜誌,頁105/137,2019/8。
- Yachi Chiang, “Sharing Economy in a Highly Regulated Market: The Case of Uber in Taiwan”, R&D Management Conference, Paris, 2019/6.
- 江雅綺,「GDPR (歐盟一般資料保護規則):你的資料 由你定義」(邀稿),新社會政策雙月刊,第58期 ,頁64-67,2018/10。
- Yachi Chiang, “The Concept and Practice of RTBF (right to be forgotten) in Japan, China and Taiwan”, Conference proceedings of Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2018, Amsterdam University, Amsterdam , Netherland, 2018/10/5-8.
- 江雅綺,「歐盟GDPR 對台商的衝擊分析」(邀稿),海基會交流雜誌,161期,2018/10。
- Yachi Chiang, “The Local Legal Responses Speeding Up Global Sharing-Economy Businesses: Facebook and Uber in Taiwan”, Conference proceedings of R&D Management Conference 2018 “R&Designing Innovation: Transformational Challenges for Organizations and Society” , June, 30th -July, 4th, 2018, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. July/2018.
- 江雅綺,「平台經濟的法律挑戰」(邀稿),新社會政策雙月刊,第54期,2017/12。
- 江雅綺,「共享經濟的商業模式與法規挑戰」(邀稿),科技報導,第432期,2017/12。
- Yachi Chiang, “The Impact of Technology Transfer Offices towards Technology Transfer Performances on Campus in Taiwan”, R&D Management Conference: From Science to Society: Innovation and Value Creation, Cambridge University, UK, July/2016.
國際演講/國際研討會活動(International Presentations/ Working Papers)
- Yachi Chiang, “When Privacy Meets Social Networking Sites”, International Conference on CyberCrime and Computer Forensic 2013 -One Digital World, Many Digital Crimes, Hong Kong, 2013/8.
- Yachi Chiang, “The merger of law and technology in patent litigation”, International Conference on Law and Political Science, New Delhi, India, 2014/2.
- Yachi Chiang, “The Conflict between Privacy Protection and National Security”, International Conference on Cybercrime and Computer Forensic, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014/9.
- Yachi Chiang, “The Impact of Technology Transfer Offices towards Technology Transfer Performances in Campus”, 2014 Asia Pacific Innovation Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2014/12.
- Yachi Chiang, “From Public to Public Domain”, International Forum on Mobile Technology and Applications, Hong Kong, 2014/12.
- Yachi Chiang, “Ambush Marketing and Olympic Symbols Association Right Protection: With Special Reference to London Olympics 2012”, International Conference on Business and Social Science 2015, Osaka, Japan, 2015/3.
- Yachi Chiang, “Understanding Net Neutrality Debate in the Context of Digital Piracy”, International Conference on Cybercrime and Computer Forensics 2015, Macau, 2015/6.
- Yachi Chiang, “How to Regulate OTT–TV Model, Hybrid Model or Internet Model?”, 21st Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016/6.
- Yachi Chiang, Junglong Chen, “Privacy Protection in the Context of Biometrics”, International Conference of Cybercrime and Computer Forensics(IEEE technically co-sponsored), Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, 2016/6.
- Yachi Chiang, “Private, Public, Public Domain : How the Judicial Decisions Shaping the Perceptions of Facebook Users in Taiwan”, 16th Annual Intellectual Property Scholars Conference (IPSC), Stanford Law School in Stanford, California, US, 2016/8.
- Yachi Chiang, Visits to Incubation Centers in Israel, 2017/4.
- Yachi Chiang, “Tackling Online Piracy: A New Legislation Proposal in Taiwan”, Invited Speaker of Plenary Session at International Conference on Cybercrime and Computer Forensics (IEEE technically co-sponsored) , hosted by Monash University and Australian Institute of Criminology, Gold Coast, Australia, 2017/7.
- Yachi Chiang, “Deciphering the Legal Meaning of ‘Sharing’ and ‘Public’ on Facebook Within the Framework of the Taiwan Copyright Act”, Internet Law Works-in-Progress Conference, hosted by New York Law School (New York University) 2018/3.
- Yachi Chiang, “The Local Legal Responses Speeding Up Global Sharing-Economy Businesses: Facebook and Uber in Taiwan”, R&D Management Conference 2018 “R&Designing Innovation: Transformational Challenges for Organizations and Society” June, 30th -July, 4th, 2018, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. 2018/7.
- Yachi Chiang, Visits to Cultural and Creative Industries, Seoul, South Korea, 2018/8.
- Yachi Chiang, Visits to Innovation and Entrepreneurship Groups in Washington D.C., USA., 2018/8.
- Yachi Chiang, “The Concept and Practice of RTBF (right to be forgotten) in Japan, China and Taiwan”, Conference proceedings of Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2018, Amsterdam University, Amsterdam , Netherland, 2018/10/5-8.
- Yachi Chiang, Cyber Security Forum, Rome, Italy. 2018/10.
- Yachi Chiang, “The Concept and Judicial Practice on the Right to be Forgotten in Japan, India, China and Taiwan”, 4th Asian IP Work-In-Progress Conference , Singapore Management University, Singapore, 30-31 January, 2019.
- Yachi Chiang, Legal Resilience in an Era of Hybrid Threats, , University of Exeter, Exeter, UK, 8-10 April, 2019.
- Yachi Chiang, “Sharing Economy in a Highly Regulated Market: The Case of Uber in Taiwan”, R&D Management Conference 2019 : The Innovation Challenge : Bridging the Research, Industry and Society, Ecole Polytecnique, Paris, 17-21 June, 2019.
- Yachi Chiang, “Harnessing Disinformation Online”, BILETA conference 2020 : Regulating Transitions in Technology and Law, (originally scheduled to take place in Tilburg University, Netherland, moved to online event due to covid-19) , 7-8 /April, 2020.
- Yachi Chiang, “A Marketplace or the Service Provider? The regulatory Models of Digital Platforms”, ITS Europe 2020 Biennial Conference : Digital Societies and Industrial Transformations :Policies, Markets and Technologies, (originally scheduled to take place in Gothenberg, Sweden – moved to online event due to covid-19), 14-17/June, 2020.
- Yachi Chiang, “A Synopsis of Online IP Crimes in Taiwan”, Security Revolution Conference(SECREV) , Monash University, 21/May, 2021,
- Yachi Chiang, “The Challenges and the Threats when Western Companies Entering Asian Market”, Growing Indigenous Business through Trade , APEC, IP session. 6/July, 2021.
- Chunghan Yang, Yachi Chiang, “Sustainable and Smart Port 2.0 and High-end Maritime Industry: Assessing Taiwan’s Maritime Law Reforms in Global Sustainability and Digitalisation Trends”, International Conference on Ocean Law and Policy, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung(Taiwan), 27/October/2021.
- Yachi Chiang, “The Challenges and the Threats when Western Companies Entering Asian Market”, Growing Indigenous Business through Trade , APEC, IP session. 6/July, 2021.
- Yachi CHiang, “Major Issues and Countermeasures of Cybercrimes in the time of COVID-19 in Taiwan: Challenges and Beyond”, CyberSecurity Revolution Conference 2022, online , Monash University, 8 of May, 2022, https://secrev.org/index.html
- Yachi Chiang, “The Legal Compliance Challenge of AI applications in Maritime Industry: Divergent Governance Models of Cross Border Data Transfer”, The 7th International Conference on Ocean Law and Policy: Interdisciplinary Policy and Law on Artificial Intelligence of Maritime Affairs, 14/Oct./2022.
- Yachi Chiang, “Challenges of Western companies entering Asian market-IP Legal Issues”, APEC: Growing Indigenous Businesses Through Trade, 1/Nov., 2022.
- Yachi Chiang, Chair of the track 6, keynote session “the voice of end users” at 2022 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY. 12/Nov., 2022.
- Yachi Chiang, “Harnessing Disinformation Online: The New Legal Proposal of Taiwan Digital Intermediary Services Act”, 5G and Digital Society: Innovation and Challenges, (online), Monash University and Australian Taiwan Studies Association, 2 /December, 2022.
- Yachi Chiang, “The Challenges, Laws and Practice of Countering Disinformation Online in Taiwan”, virtual seminar organized by the International Law Center and Digital Trust and Society Center of Manchester University, 3/ May, 2023.
- Yachi Chiang, “The Governing of Crypto Assets in Taiwan – A self-regulatory approach” , The 3rd Annual Conference on the Intersection of Corporate Law and Technology, online conference organized by Nottingham Law School, 26/June, 2023.
- Yachi Chiang, “Towards A Net-Zero Society -What Taiwan can Learn from the Laws and Policies to Develop Hydrogen Energy in Leading Countries”, The 29th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference(ISDRS 2023), National University of Malaysia, 11-13 July, 2023,
- Yachi Chiang, “The effectiveness and domestic impact of legal responses in countering CCP influential operation-The case of Taiwan”, Hoover Institute, Stanford University, 23 of May, 2024.
- Yachi Chiang, “Harnessing Disinformation Online -Legal responses of Content Moderation in the US, EU and Taiwan”, The 9th Asian Privacy Scholars Network Conference, Natoinal Tsing Hua University, 15 of August, 2024.
- Yachi Chiang, “A synopsis of Cybercrimes and countering legal measures in Taiwan”, Section of Growing Cyber Crimes and its Mitigation in AP Region, Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance, Taipei, 19 of August, 2024.
- Yachi Chiang, “Strengthening the Digital Resilience of Taiwan: with Special Reference to Undersea Cables”, Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum, Taipei(online), 23 of August, Taiwan
- Yachi Chiang, Visit to Kyoto University, August, 2024.
- Yachi Chiang, Visit to Vietnam National University-University of Law, October, 2024.
- Yachi Chiang, Visit to Malaya University, October, 2024
- Yuanhao Hsu, Yachi Chiang, “The Intersection of Digital Platform and Energy Transition:The case of Taiwan Electricity Trading Platform”, the 9th International Conference on Ocean Law and Policy, 25 October, 2024.
- Yachi Chiang, “A Legal Perspective on the Protection of Critical Infrastructure: The Case of Taiwan’s Undersea Cables”, the 9th International Conference on Ocean Law and Policy, 25 Ocobter, 2024.
- 2022 國立臺灣海洋大學優良教師
- 2021 後疫情時代的醫療照護與科技應用研討會優秀論文獎第二名(指導研究生)
- 2021全國大專院校專利檢索競賽生醫組第一名(指導研究生)
- 2020 外交部學術外交海外駐點研究計畫獲選
- 2019 亞太智慧財產權發展基金會智慧財產論文佳作獎(指導學生)
- 2018 國立臺北科技大學「研究績優」彈薪人員
- 2017 國立臺北科技大學智財所教學評鑑第一名
- 2016 國立臺北科技大學人文與社會科學學院「傑出教學獎」
- 2016 全國大專院校專利分析與布局競賽潛力獎(指導學生)
- 2015 國立臺北科技大學智財所教學評鑑第一名
- 2015 全國大專院校專利分析與布局競賽銅牌獎(指導學生)
- 2014 科技部績優技轉中心
- 2013 國科會績優技轉中心
email: christyangel@mail.ntou.edu.tw