
【感謝英國 #曼徹斯特 (Manchester)大學法學院 #數位法律 研究中心和 #國際法 研究中心的邀請,讓我有機會分享以台灣為核心的對抗網路虛假訊息的法制經驗。雖然此次演講因為行程因素改為線上,但能夠與優秀的英國學者交流、從科技法律或國際治理的不同角度出發,得到很多啟發、刺激新的想法 。
除了藉此機會向英國研究科技法律的學者請教目前歐洲法規的發展,意外發現曼徹斯特國際法中心的教授,同時也是蘇格蘭第一大黨民族黨(Scottish National Party, SNP)的活躍成員,與現任蘇格蘭總理及SNP 黨魁是(前任)夫妻。她具有國際政治的知識與實際從政經驗,也很了解台灣面臨的國際威脅與挑戰,真是一場非常有趣、愉快的交流經驗。也讓我更加堅定跨越國界與地域的網路,要討論治理的(法律和政策)架構,肯定需要人們走出自己的日常,和不同專業、社會、文化背景的人們合作。】
It’s truly an honor and pleasure for me to talk about “The Challenges, Laws and Practice of Countering #Disinformation #Online in #Taiwan” at the online seminar organized by the #Manchester #InternationalLaw Center and #DigitalTrust and Society Center. Harnessing online disinformation is often complicated with concenrs over national security and freedom of speech, there is certainly no easy or one-size-fits-all answer to this thorny issue. I’m really grateful that I’m given this opportunity to share Taiwan’s experience in devising new legal approach to manage the fragil balance of human rights and a safe cyber space. My special thanks go to Prof. Dr Joseph Lee and Prof. Gail Lythgoe who joined the following discussion in the seminar and inspired me with many insightful opinions, including the accountability of algorithms, the development of crypto solutions, and the potential/threat of AI in the legal field. Thanks again for all your efforts to schedule this talk and look forward to a meeting in person in the near future!