【很高興今天有機會受邀主持 #2022IEEE科技與社會國際研討會 的數位使用者權益場次 (IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY 2022 (ISTAS22, THE VOICE OF END USERS), 今年大會的主題是「數位轉型與社會轉型」(THEME: “DIGITAL AND SOCIETAL TRANSFORMATIONS),兩位主講者都是在 #印度 致力於 #自由軟體 運動、推動 #數位教育、#數位人權 的活躍團體領袖。印度向來是資訊科技大國,軟體產業不能沒有印度,尤其在COVID疫情之後、很想聽聽印度的數位社會有怎樣的新發展,令人期待。】
國際研討會議程: https://www.istas22.org/program/
[ What’s happening in India after COVID? ]
Look forward to chairing the keynote session “the voice of end users” at 2022 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY 2022 (ISTAS22) today. The theme of the conference this year is “DIGITAL AND SOCIETAL TRANSFORMATIONS. Two distinguished speakers are both based in India and each has astonishing records of advocating digital rights, digital education, free software, free information… in India.
The full list of conference programes is here: https://www.istas22.org/program/
#india #technology #covid #digital #society #education #software