
2023/01/20-TaiwanTalk(TaiwanPlus英文談話節目)談網路不實訊息(Disinformation)和社群平台(Social Media Platforms)的效應

機緣巧合,受邀到台灣第一個國際新聞影音平台 #TaiwanPlus 的 #TaiwanTalk 節目,來談談網路不實訊息( #Disinformation)現象和社群平台的效應。雖然之前曾接受過英文媒體訪問,但這卻是我第一次上英文即時節目,基本上一鏡到底,沒有什麼重來或修正的機會。而語文是一個不常用就會生銹的工具,別說平常在台灣用的機會甚少,過去三年因為疫情關係,出國次數降到趨近於零,忽然之間要和英文非常流利的主持人、來賓即時對談討論,實在是個挑戰。不過,談的主題畢竟是自己長期關注的,我抱著「就把自己的想法、意思表達出來」的心情,而不是「要得英文比賽第一名」,這樣就比較沒有壓力,也很感謝有這次機會,和有多年數位情報分析經驗的研究員Harpre Ke,在專業又美麗的主持人Yin Khvat帶領下,一起聊聊這個對台灣至關重要的話題,是一次很棒的經驗。當然,這集節目是由剛至立陶宛訪問的數位部長 #唐鳳 #AudreyTang 盛大開場,彰顯台灣數位民主 (#DigitalDecmocracy) vs 數位威權 (#Digital authoritarianism) 的意義。對這些主題有興趣的朋友,歡迎點選、分享這集Taiwan Talk,或留下寶貴意見。(ps:這集先在youtube上獨家(exclusive)上線,1/31周二則將在電視上播出)。

youtube 連結在此:👉 The full episode is available here:

I know most people will notice this #TaiwanTalk episode because the special quest for opening is Taiwan Digital Minister, Audrey Tang, she would share with the audience about her first travel to Lithuania after taking office and how Taiwan and Lithuania are partnering to build #digital #resilience against authoritarian threats. Yet being the special guest in second half of this programe, please allow me to express how I enjoyed my time talking abt online #disinformation operation phenomenon and how #socialmedia platforms change our information ladnscape today.

Noted: #TaiwanPlus is the first English News streaming platform aimed at producing Taiwan content for the international audience. Was hestitated to accept the invitation from Taiwan Talk at first , cause after three years of COVID, I think I already forgot how to speak in English in person.. (Not many opportunities to speak in English in Taiwan and while the frequency of international conferences is largely reduced, most of them were moved online if not cancelled). However, on second thought, the main purpose of going live on media is to share what I know about the topic instead of showing language proficiency, isn’t is? 😀

👉 The full episode is available here:


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