
18/Sept./2024-The Strait Times : Pager Explosions in the Middle East

謝謝The Strait Times ( #新加坡海峽時報)引述個人關於 #呼叫器 事件的意見。 新聞標題簡清楚有力:「”(爆炸)呼叫器不是台灣製造的”。」

Professor Chiang Yachi, a tech law expert at National Taiwan Ocean University, said the attack has shown that even seemingly outdated devices are not necessarily a low security risk.

“We’re always focused on the security risks surrounding internet-connected devices, such as our mobile phones and laptops, but this shows that we may have to scrutinise low-tech products, too,” she said.

Prof Chiang also noted how the incident could serve as a warning to other manufacturers in Taiwan to pay more attention to their supply chains.

The island is one of the world’s leading producers of information and communications technology products.

“The Taiwan tech industry used to think they are only doing business when they manufacture these products, that they have nothing to do with geopolitics. But that’s not true, so there needs to be a shift in mindset,” she said.

  • The full story please click on the link below:
    ‘The product wasn’t ours’: Taiwan tech firm says pagers that exploded were made in Hungary, 18/Sept/2024, The Strait Times, https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/the-product-wasn-t-ours-taiwan-tech-firm-denies-making-pagers-that-exploded-in-lebanon
